Appraisal districts in the Tomball and Magnolia areas sent notices of updated appraisal values to property owners this spring. Residents can protest their appraised values if they are dissatisfied or if errors exist in the records, according to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
The deadline to protest is midnight May 15 or 30 days from when the notice from the appraisal district is received—whichever is later. To lodge a protest, property owners must file a notice of protest with the local appraisal review board. The protest deadline was moved from May 31 to May 15 last year as a result of House Bill 2228, which took effect Jan. 1, 2018.
Protest forms are available on the website of both the Montgomery Central and Harris County appraisal districts.
Those who protest will receive written notice ahead of a formal hearing with the local appraisal review board, during which time the property owner can present information about the reason for the protest, according to the Texas comptroller’s website.