“Our main objective for this business is to bring roses to the local community that would otherwise be inaccessible in the area,” Pham said.
The roses selected for the rose farm include European-bred roses from Germany and France that are designed to sustain weather changes with the help of its farmers.
How we got here
Prior to starting the business, Nguyen and Pham flipped residential homes across the Houston area, moving to different locations once a year as they sold their renovated homes.
“I was a city girl,” Pham said, explaining that her husband had to entice her to switch lifestyles.
Although Pham said she was hesitant to the idea at first, her passion for roses led her to embrace the idea of starting a rose farm.
The couple decided to plant their roots in Magnolia with a rose farm starting with 300 roses and 300 citrus plants. As of December, the couple has over 6,000 roses with 95% planted by them alone.
Diving in deeper
Life in Rose Farm was initially intended to be a cut rose farm with a focus on expanding to offer rare rose breeds to the community. Since then, the rose farm has expanded into an event and photography venue.
The rose farm offers an Old World English style through its events, including afternoon tea and flower bar events held at its glass house as well as its original cut-your-own-rose therapy experience.
Life in Rose Farm also provides rooted and potted roses for sale as well as flower bouquets. The rose farm is open to the public from April through May and October through December.
“Our true heart and soul is in the soil, and it's in with the roses. We identify with it and I think will forever be one with the roses,” Pham said.
- 24272 Grand Pines Road, Magnolia
- www.lifeinrosefarm.com