Starting off as a family-run recycling company, von Meier said Wolf later added trash collection after many requests from customers.•Accountability has been a huge part of the company’s success, von Meier said.
“We have technology that a lot of other [companies] don’t,” he said. “We put cameras front, back and inside our trucks, fully managed [by an outsourced company].”
This helps Residential Recycling solve customer concerns, such as why someone’s trash may not have been picked up.

“People have been recommending us all over the web; Facebook has absolutely blown up with recommendations,” he said.
Residential Recycling mainly serves the North Houston area, and rates are based on how far people are from its Magnolia location.
Lately, the coronavirus pandemic has caused a surge in business, von Meier said, as people are spending more time at home.
“Right now for COVID[-19], you see people literally lining the streets ... thanking our guys for being there,” he said.
Additionally, von Meier said the amount of trash has also grown.
“The phone has been ringing off the wall,” he said. “There was an 80% increase in the trash that people had.”
Von Meier said he believes the increase in trash is from more people staying home, cleaning, working in their lawns and ordering food to-go.
With this increase, the company is hiring and expanding.
“We are having to hire more people than ever before,” von Meier said. “It is not just that we are growing, it is that COVID[-19] is requiring a lot more people to be available to help with everything that is going on.”
Residential Recycling and Refuse of Texas
26603 FM 2978, Magnolia