Even with new development popping up along FM 1488 in Magnolia, the brightly colored porch marking the entrance of Cactus Flower Boutique often sparks curiosity in new customers.

“We have people come in all the time and say, ‘I’ve driven by this place every day, and I’ve always wanted to stop by and see what it was,’” owner Trisha Plagens said. “A lot of people thought we were a florist.”

Plagens opened the boutique in May 2014 after years of working long hours as a certified public accountant and helping her sister curate items for their family-run shop in Plagens’ hometown, Corpus Christi.

“I was working 40-70 hours a week, and it’s hard to do that when you have a family,” she said. “I had looked at [opening a store] at this spot for maybe three years and waited for it to become available. By then, my youngest [child] was in kindergarten, so the timing was perfect.”

The store carries a variety of clothing, shoes and accessories as well as a selection of beauty products and home goods. Plagens said she visits the Dallas Market Center several times a year to find new items to feature. The shop also carries clothing and jewelry lines from local designers, with styles ranging from high-end fashion to everyday wear.

“We try to provide a good variety of price points and styles,” Plagens said. “That’s how I like to dress—I like to throw in something expensive with lower price points.”

Although the store’s clothing is geared more toward women, Plagens said it also carries several gift options, including decorative signs, scented candles and Yeti cups, which are a popular item during the holiday season.

“I got shipped 48 [Yeti cups] on Christmas Eve and sold 43 in three hours,” Plagens said.

Plagens also owns the children’s boutique nextdoor, Miss Daisy Mae’s, and works with Mary Lazauskas, owner of nearby Simply Inspired at Home, to coordinate family-friendly events at the three Magnolia stores.

“There’s tons of businesses coming in around here,” Plagens said. “We want it to feel like Old Town Spring eventually where you can come and shop and stroll around.”

This year, the businesses have partnered with the Maine Cousins Lobster food truck to set up outside the shops from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. every Friday. Plagens said she also hopes to plan some community events this spring to reach out to various neighborhoods surrounding the store.

“We’re here where Magnolia meets The Woodlands, Conroe and Montgomery, so we get a variety of people,” Plagens said. “I meet so many nice people, and we truly have good customers. I think that’s been my favorite thing about having this store.”