Janie Fricke, a two-time County Music Awards Female Vocalist of the Year award winner, will be performing this weekend at Main Street Crossing. 6 p.m. (doors open), 8 p.m. (show starts). $57. 111 W. Main St., Tomball. 281-290-0431. www.mainstreetcrossing.com
Jan. 14: Attend an art open house
Fresh Art is hosting an open house that will be filled with a variety of mediums, including acrylics, ceramics, glass art, jewelry and mixed mediums. Appetizers and complimentary wine will be provided for attendees. 5-8 p.m. DaVinci Artists Gallery 315 W. Main St., Tomball. www.davinciartistsgallery.com
Jan. 14: Drop your kids off for a Nerf War
Premier Martial Arts is hosting a parents night out, where parents can drop their kids off for a night of nerf guns and pizza. If a member of Premier Martial Arts, a child may bring one non-member for free. Attendees are advised to bring their own nerf gun, ammo and goggles as supplies are limited. Ages 5-12. $25-40 (per ticket depending on package). 6-10 p.m. Free. Premier Martial Arts Magnolia, 7395 FM 1488, Magnolia. https://premiermartialarts.com