Several Texas Department of Transportation projects are planned or underway bordering The Woodlands area, including a grade separation at Hwy. 242 and FM 1314, Grand Parkway widening and a median installation on FM 1488.

Ongoing project

1. Grade separation at Hwy. 242 and FM 1314

A Texas Department of Transportation project to construct a grade separation and widen the highway is 95% complete as of a mid-February update for the stretch of Hwy. 242 east and west of FM 1314 in the Conroe area. The project has been underway by Aranda Brothers Construction since July 2018 and is anticipated to wrap up in the first quarter of 2023, according to project information from TxDOT.

Timeline: July 2018-first quarter 2023

Cost: $25.62 million

Funding sources: federal, state funds

Upcoming projects

2. Grand Parkway widening

A two-part project to expand the F-2 segment of the Grand Parkway from four to six lanes is expected to begin next year. A Segment A will run between Hwy. 249 and Kuykendahl Road in Tomball, while B Segment B, will run from Kuykendahl Road to Holzwarth Road in Spring.

Timeline: advertising for bids in February 2024 (Segment A); advertising for bids in October 2024 (Segment B)

Cost: $60.5 million (Segment A), $44.17 million (Segment B)

Funding source: TxDOT

3. Median installation on FM 1488

A TxDOT project to install a raised median along FM 1488 in Magnolia is expected to get underway in the first quarter of the year. The project spans FM 1488 from Mostyn Drive to I-45 and has been awarded to ISI Contracting Inc. TxDOT held public hearings in December to gather input on the project, which follows an access management study done in 2019 for the FM 1488 corridor between I-45 and FM 149. The tentative completion date is in the fourth quarter of 2025.

Timeline: first quarter 2023-second quarter 2025

Cost: $10.23 million

Funding source: TxDOT, federal funds