FM 2978 widening
The widening of FM 2978 from FM 1488 to approximately Hardin Store Road was 98% complete as of the Texas Department of Transportation’s March 11 report. The TxDOT project will widen the stretch of FM 2978 from two lanes to four. The project was originally scheduled for completion in 2021.
Timeline: September 2018-first quarter 2022
Cost: $22.79 million
Funding source: TxDOT
Hwy. 242 overpass
The project will construct a grade separation along Hwy. 242 from west to east of FM 1314. This is one of four projects to construct an overpass at Hwy. 242 and FM 1314. The project was 87% complete as of March 11.
Timeline: July 2018-second quarter 2022
Cost: $24.35 million
Funding sources: federal funds, TxDOT