Work began in March on a project to improve I-45 frontage road access at Woodlands Parkway and Robinson Road and to widen Robinson at Patsy Lane and Westwood Road. The widening work extends from about 350 feet west of Patsy and Westwood to 550 feet east of that intersection. The project includes signalization at the Woodlands Parkway-Robinson overpass at I-45 and aligning lanes on the interchange between the frontage roads.

Joe Sherwin, public works director for Oak Ridge North, said July 13 the project is on schedule and the traffic signals in Oak Ridge North were operational.

Sherwin said Robinson Road traffic on the west side of the city was shifted to the south curb line while work on the north curb line and concrete embankment was underway. The project is expected to be complete by early fall, according to Montgomery County Precinct 3 officials.

Timeline: March-early fall

Cost: $2.4 million

Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 3