Here is the latest information on six transportation projects in The Woodlands area, as of September 2018.
1. Woodlands Parkway widening
The road will be widened from six to eight lanes from west of I-45 to a half-mile west of the Grogans Mill Road overpass. The project will add one lane in each direction, with right-turn and acceleration lanes at major intersections. Crews are continuing to pour concrete on the new eastbound lane, which began in mid-July and is expected to take six to eight weeks to complete, Montgomery County Precinct 3 spokesperson Andy DuBois said. Once the eastbound lane is complete, crews will begin work on the westbound lane.
Timeline: February 2018-April 2019
Cost: $6.7 million
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 3
2. Rayford Road expansion
This project will widen Rayford Road from four to six lanes between Lazy Lane and the Grand Parkway, construct a six-lane bridge over the Union Pacific railroad tracks, install new traffic signals and add a raised median. The realignment of Wild Rose Drive was completed Aug. 30 and the westbound bridge lanes are projected to open in October, DuBois said.
Timeline: April 28, 2017-summer 2019
Cost: $50.6 million
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 3
3. Birnham Woods Drive widening
Birnham Woods Drive will be widened from two to four lanes from north of Fuller Bluff Drive to north of Elan Boulevard. Traffic signals will be added to the intersections of Birnham Woods and Legends Run drives, and Birnham Woods Drive and Elan Boulevard. A southbound right-turn lane will also be added to Elan Boulevard with ADA-compliant ramps and a pedestrian crosswalk. A contract for the project was awarded July 10, and construction will begin in September, according to Precinct 3.
Timeline: September 2018-September 2019
Cost: $2.5 million
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 3
4. Elan Boulevard widening
Elan Boulevard will be widened from two to four lanes from Aldine Westfield Road to Birnham Woods Drive. The project will also widen Aldine Westfield Road from two to four lanes from Elan Boulevard through Knoll Oaks Lane, and add a traffic signal to the intersection of Elan Boulevard and Aldine Westfield Road. A project contract was awarded July 10, and utility relocation and drainage work began Aug. 27. The project is expected to take roughly nine months to complete.
Timeline: August 2018-May 2019
Cost: $2 million
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 3
5. FM 2978 widening
This project will widen FM 2978 from two to four lanes with a center turn lane from FM 1488 to south of Dry Creek in
Phase 1 and from south of Dry Creek to Conroe-Hufsmith Road in Phase 2. The existing bridge over Dry Creek will also be widened. Phase 1 continues to be delayed due to utility relocations, while Phase 2 is underway. Emily Black, public information officer for the Texas Department of Transportation, said Phase 1 will likely begin in third quarter 2018.
Timeline: third quarter 2018-first quarter 2021 (Phase 1), January 2018-second quarter 2020 (Phase 2)
Cost: $23.9 million-$30 million
Funding source: Texas Department of Transportation
6. Hwy. 242 overpass
This project will construct an overpass at the intersection of Hwy. 242 and FM 1314. This is the first of four separate projects, totaling $168.5 million, which are slated to go out for bid over the next four years to improve the corridor. The project went out for bid in April 2018 and will take two years to complete, Black said.
Timeline: Third quarter 2018-third quarter 2020
Cost: $23.5 million
Funding source: TxDOT