Ongoing Projects

  1. Montgomery County Precinct 3 is widening Elan Boulevard from two to four lanes from Aldine Westfield Road to Birnham Woods Drive. The $2 million project will also widen Aldine Westfield Road from two to four lanes from Elan Boulevard through Knoll Oaks Lane and add a traffic signal to the intersection of Elan and Aldine Westfield Road.
    Estimated timeline: August 2018-May 2019

2. Harris County Precinct 4 and Montgomery County Precinct 3 will expand Gosling Road from two to four lanes by constructing a second bridge over Spring Creek and converting the existing bridge to a one-way road. Engineering work should be completed by the end of 2018 and a cost estimate has not yet been identified.
Estimated timeline: TBA

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3. Woodlands Parkway widening
Woodlands Parkway will be widened from six to eight lanes from west of I-45 to a half-mile west of the Grogans Mill Road overpass. The project will add one lane in each direction with right-turn and acceleration lanes at major intersections. Crews are prepping the westbound right of way and will begin pouring concrete on the westbound lanes following the completion of the eastbound lanes, which are expected to open by the end of 2018, according to Montgomery County Precinct 3.
Timeline: February 2018-April 2019
Cost: $6.7 million
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 3

4. Rayford Road expansion
A project will widen Rayford Road from four to six lanes between Lazy Lane and the Grand Parkway, construct a six-lane bridge over the Union Pacific railroad tracks, install new traffic signals and add a raised median. Crews are installing the storm drainage system between East and West Hawthorne drives, which will be followed by road-widening work, according to Montgomery County Precinct 3.
Timeline: April 28, 2017-summer 2019
Cost: $50.6 million
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 3

5. Birnham Woods Drive widening
Birnham Woods Drive will be widened from two to four lanes from north of Fuller Bluff Drive to north of Elan Boulevard. Traffic signals will be added where Birnham Woods Drive meets Legends Run Drive and Elan Boulevard. Crews are prepping the right of way at the intersection of Elan and Birnham Woods, according to Precinct 3.
Timeline: September 2018-September 2019
Cost: $2.5 million
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 3

6. I-45 bridge repairs at Rayford, Sawdust roads
This project will repair the I-45 bridge over Rayford and Sawdust roads, which was identified as the most traveled structurally deficient bridge in Texas in a 2016 study. Crews will replace and reset bearing pads and replace the bridge deck both north- and southbound.
Timeline: Dec. 23, 2018-February 2019
Cost: $405,278
Funding source: Texas Department of Transportation