James Noack
Occupation: Incumbent
What type of experience do you have that is related to the Precinct 3 commissioner position?
During my first three years as commissioner, I have eliminated the red light cameras, developed the first ever South County Mobility Plan, increased law enforcement’s presence, funded the Internet Crimes Against Children task force, introduced flashing yellow arrows, renovated the community centers and increased senior services, at no taxpayer cost, by partnering with Interfaith [of The Woodlands]. In addition, precinct operations have been streamlined, and communication of precinct activities is readily available in the news media. These and other accomplishments have bettered the quality of life in Precinct 3 and give credence to my campaign theme of “Promises Made, Promises Kept.”
What are your plans in addressing mobility issues since Precinct 3 continues to grow in population?
My plan is to use our South County Mobility Plan as created and to continue to build on that type of proactive planning with our citizens, businesses and neighbors around the county.
What will be your main priority if elected?
My main priority will be to continue to be as proactive in planning for future transportation needs of the county and the wise management of taxpayer dollars and the county’s resources. I have and will continue to represent the people’s interests by demanding their voice be heard on Commissioners Court.
What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing the precinct in the next five years?
Managing the effects of forecasted population growth in our area will be our biggest challenge. Proper recognition and management of this is critical for our citizens. That directly impacts every aspect of living in Precinct 3 from budgeting, law enforcement, mobility, infrastructure, courts and many other services. With proper diligence, planning and listening to the constituents, I intend to make our county government work as efficiently as possible.
Jay Mac Sanders
Occupation: Broker, Mustard Seed Realtors
[email protected]
What type of experience do you have that is related to the Precinct 3 commissioner position?
Having worked in the U.S. Senate as a legislative aide and for a Fortune 500 public utility company, I was able to see how relationships are important in accomplishing common goals. I’m a successful small-business owner who has been recognized as a Lone Star College Small Business of the Year Nominee for 2013 and 2014. I am a graduate of the Texas Realtors Leadership Program 2008, Leadership Montgomery County 2011 and the National Association of Realtors Leadership Academy 2015. I’ve served on the United States Green Building Council, Gulf Coast Chapter board of directors, the Montgomery County Youth Services development fund and the Montgomery County Baylor Club Board and the Panther Creek Village Association board. I believe those experiences are related to how a commissioner manages taxpayer money to be a good steward of the people.
What are your plans in addressing mobility issues since Precinct 3 continues to grow in population?
With good working relationships with The Woodlands Township, Oak Ridge North, Shenandoah, the residents of the Rayford and Riley Fuzzel areas and Harris County, we need to identify areas of commonality to determine the best north-south and east-west routes that can be completed that are fiscally responsible.
What will be your main priority if elected?
My main priority would be to repair broken relationships so we can move forward in fiscally conservative ways to accomplish the goals and needs of Precinct 3.
What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing the precinct in the next five years?
The biggest challenges would be the continued growth and unique challenges that are presented by that growth. You would then have to maintain quality county services as the population increases and be able to provide adequate mobility for emergency services at a level that taxpayers are accustomed to.