Legends Trace is located in Spring in Montgomery County east of I-45 and north of the Grand Parkway. The neighborhood includes several ponds, parks, a splash pad and playgrounds. The neighborhood has access to downtown freeways and The Woodlands, and it is zoned to Conroe ISD. It is close to the shopping village of Old Town Spring and several areas where commercial growth is occurring.

Entertainment options nearby include the new Regal Benders Landing cinema and parks in Montgomery County Precinct 3.

Build-out year: 2020

Median square footage: 2,623

Median home value: $359,500

Homes on the market*: 4

Homes under contract: 6

Median annual property taxes: $11,499

Median price per square foot: $140.77

Average days on the market*: 13

HOA dues (estimated): $580 annually

Schools: Bradley Elementary School, Clark Intermediate School, York Jr. High School, Grand Oaks High School

2022 property taxes (in dollars):

Montgomery County Emergency Services District No. 8: 0.09

Montgomery County 0.4083

Montgomery County Hospital District 0.0567

Lone Star College System 0.1078

Montgomery County Municipal Utilities District No. 88 1.35

Conroe ISD 1.176

Total (per $100 valuation) $3.19

* as of July 1

Source: The Brashear Group, Martha Turner Sotheby's Realty/Community Impact Newspaper