Entertainment options nearby include the new Regal Benders Landing cinema and parks in Montgomery County Precinct 3.
Build-out year: 2020
Median square footage: 2,623
Median home value: $359,500
Homes on the market*: 4
Homes under contract: 6
Median annual property taxes: $11,499
Median price per square foot: $140.77
Average days on the market*: 13
HOA dues (estimated): $580 annually
Schools: Bradley Elementary School, Clark Intermediate School, York Jr. High School, Grand Oaks High School
2022 property taxes (in dollars):
Montgomery County Emergency Services District No. 8: 0.09
Montgomery County 0.4083
Montgomery County Hospital District 0.0567
Lone Star College System 0.1078
Montgomery County Municipal Utilities District No. 88 1.35
Conroe ISD 1.176
Total (per $100 valuation) $3.19
* as of July 1
Source: The Brashear Group, Martha Turner Sotheby's Realty/Community Impact Newspaper