Local amenities
Community centers in Indian Springs include Falconwing Park and Forestgate Park along with six additional smaller neighborhood parks and playgrounds. The village center includes restaurants, an H-E-B grocery store, retail shops and health/spa services. The village also includes The John Cooper School, a private college preparatory academy serving students in grades K-12. Interfaith Child Development Center, one of the area’s largest preschool/child care centers, is also located there.
Homes on the market*: 8
Median home value: $364,690
Homes under contract: 17
Average days on the market*: 9
Median annual property taxes: $8,023
Median price per square foot: $144.32
Median square footage: 2,948
Median home value: $364,690
HOA dues (estimated): none
Schools: Galatas Elementary School, Coulson Tough Elementary School, Mitchell Intermediate School, McCullough Junior High School, The Woodlands High School
*As of Oct. 4
Property taxes (in dollars):
Conroe ISD 1.21
Lone Star College System 0.11
Montgomery County 0.43
Montgomery County
Hospital District 0.06
The Woodlands Township 0.22
Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 60 0.17
Total (per $100 valuation) 2.20
Information provided by Jennifer Sims Broker Associate Allen|Sims Real Estate Group. Information was provided Oct. 4.