The Woodlands Township was awarded $7.5 million from the Texas Transportation Council on Oct. 26 to construct pathways connecting the communities of Harper’s Preserve and Windvale on Hwy. 242.

Two-minute impact

After working through the grant process with the Texas Department of Transportation, the township submitted a request for funding to construct shared-use pathways along Hwy. 242 from Harper’s Preserve to Windvale. The grant application was submitted June 5 with a number of support letters from:
  • Village associations
  • School districts
  • Temples and churches
  • Community leaders

Township Chief Operations Officer Chris Nunes said the grant process was highly competitive, as only a certain amount of funds are available each year.

Quote of note

“I would like to commend the staff’s dedicated efforts that resulted in the Texas Transportation Commission awarding the Township this grant,” board chair Ann Snyder said. “These funds will allow the Township to proceed with a major transit project that has long been desired by residents to safely bike or walk along Hwy. 242 and to connect Harper’s Landing with the rest of the community.”

What’s next

The township will be responsible for 20% of the project cost, which totals out to:
  • TxDOT funding: $7.47 million
  • Township funding: $1.86 million
During the fiscal year 2024 budget workshops, the township allocated its portion of the funding already. Construction on the pathways is scheduled to begin once work on Hwy. 242 also commences in 2024.