Mosquito spraying began June 7 in Montgomery County Precinct 3 after the first samples tested positive for West Nile virus in the 77380 and 77382 ZIP codes this year, according to Precinct 3 officials.

A Precinct 3 news release states a second round of spraying will take place June 9 on county streets and rights-of-way.

“Our office is working diligently to minimize the risk of contracting a mosquito-borne illness,” Precinct 3 Commissioner James Noack said in a news release.

A treatment activity map provided by the county shows times and locations for mosquito spraying.

Among recommendations provided by the county, residents are advised to avoid outdoor activity during treatment times and to take other preventive measures, such as using insect repellent and wearing light, long and loose clothing outside. Water is also an issue in mosquito control.

“The one thing that all mosquitoes require for reproduction is a source of water. Be sure to turn over or remove anything from your yard that can hold water,” Mosquito Abatement Director Justin Fausek said. “If you have areas where you can’t get rid of the water, such as a birdbath or meter box, you can treat it with a larvicide containing BTI instead.”

Additional assistance to identify and remedy mosquito breeding sites is available through the county by calling 936-522-9352, and residents can email the abatement director at [email protected] with additional questions, according to the news release.