The Shenandoah City Council unanimously approved the dates for budget discussions and workshops going into fiscal year 2022-23 during an April 27 meeting.

Information supplied in the city council’s agenda packet states the first budget discussions are set to begin May 11 focusing on capital improvement plans and will continue on various dates until Aug. 5, when official budget workshops will be held.

On Aug. 5, the City Council will discuss the city’s tax rate and vote if it proposes to adopt a rate higher than the no-new-revenue tax rate, which is the rate at which the same amount of tax revenue is generated as the previous year.

According to the budget calendar, the Shenandoah City Council will potentially adopt the budget on Aug. 24.

Shenandoah Finance Director Lisa Wasner said she anticipates having certified values by the end of July to present to the City Council.

Shenandoah will hold budget discussions for its various departments on June 22, July 13 and July 27 during City Council meetings.