Several recreation fees are being increased following a public hearing at the Feb. 23 The Woodlands Township board of directors meeting, and the board also discussed designs for proposed renovations to Falconwing Park in the Village of Indian Springs.

Parks and recreation programs have been highly used in The Woodlands in the past year, with the department seeing $7 million in revenue—$779,000 above the budgeted amount for the 2021 fiscal year, President and General Manager Monique Sharp said during the financial report presentation at the meeting.

The changes to fees made Feb. 23 include the establishment of pickleball court fees of $10-$12 per hour for residents and $24 per hour for nonresidents. The higher end of resident fees are for peak hours, which are 8 a.m.-1 p.m. on weekdays and 5-8 p.m. on weekends, according to meeting materials.

The multipurpose rink fee is $20 per hour for qualified organizations, $30 per hour for residents and $60 for nonresidents, according to township information. Previous fees were $20 for residents and $40 for nonresidents. In addition, nonresident punch cards at Rob Fleming Aquatic Center are $100, an increase from $55, according to the township.

In gathering public input for the Falconwing Park design plan, pickleball courts were requested by about 43% of the public, according to a presentation on the park.

Falconwing Park renovations will focus on upgrades to the pools, drainage, and creation of pickleball courts as well as work to parking, restrooms and other amenities. Other discussed items include a surface for playing cricket, which would be the first such facility in The Woodlands. A cost breakdown provided in the presentation estimated $1.62 million for the projects and $1.13 million in alternate options. The board approved the design concept, including the alternates.