This story is part of our Annual Community Guide, which takes a look at some of the biggest stories to watch in The Woodlands and South Montgomery County in 2019. Stay tuned throughout the week as we countdown to the No. 1 story to watch this year

What we reported The second phase of a San Jacinto River Authority study will determine the feasibility of a reservoir along Spring Creek and real-time operations tools to determine how releases from Lake Conroe will affect the surrounding areas.

Past flooding events in The Woodlands have been located close to Spring Creek, according to historic data. To fund the estimated $1.1 million phase, the SJRA submitted a grant application to the Texas Water Development Board on July 11. If approved  the TWDB is expected to match 50 percent of local funds received. Other potential sponsors for Phase 2 include municipal utility districts in and around The Woodlands, including MUDs Nos. 1, 7, 46, 60 and 386.

The latest Bruce Rieser, director for The Woodlands Township and chairman of The Woodlands Drainage Task Force, announced Dec. 5 the funding request for the Spring Creek reservoir study has been denied. 

“We’re exploring some additional options. Specifically we’re developing a plan to apply directly to the Harris County Flood Control District for the remaining funding so we can get that moving forward,” Rieser said.

Timelines for other flood control projects, including Harris County’s acquisition of right of way,  home buyouts and infrastructure repair along Spring Creek, have not yet been announced.