Updated 4 p.m. Nov. 9

Brad Bailey, who won the Position 1 seat on The Woodlands Township board of directors in the Nov. 8 election according to unofficial election results, said the slate of candidates who won will focus on topics like safety and security in the new year.

"One of the first things [we will do] is mending relationships with the county folks we work so close with ... to make sure some of these agreements we have, especially from the public safety realm, get finalized," he said in a phone interview.

Election canvassing will be held at a 6 p.m. meeting of the board Nov. 30, according to the township calendar.

"I’m really excited. ... We had a ton of volunteers and supporters from all across the community that banded together and helped me and my three fellow colleagues on our slate to victory," Bailey said. "It was a grassroots push that they got us over the edge, and I’m excited about the new opportunity of serving."

Updated 11:11 a.m. Nov. 9

A slate of four nonpartisan candidates running for the board of directors in The Woodlands Township have won the four available seats on the board, according to unofficial voting results with all precincts reporting in Montgomery and Harris counties. In the closest of the four races, the results for Position 4 show less that one percentage point, or 568 votes, between Steve Lawrence and Kyle Watson, with Watson the presumptive winner.

"I am appreciative and honored to have the opportunity to serve The Woodlands’ residents," Watson said in an email. "I respect and commend all candidates for running. These local races can be quite intense and require a lot of time and attention. All candidates ran extremely hard. I genuinely appreciate and am thankful for all the help and support I received from my team and those with whom I ran. I am ready to get to work to keep our great community thriving."

Among the other contests, Linda Nelson received the most votes, winning Position 2 against incumbent Jason J. Nelson with 61.73% of the vote.

"The Woodlands has been a perfect place to live, and raise a family, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as director and represent the residents for the next two years," she said in a statement. "I look forward to preserving what makes The Woodlands so special and keeping it the number one place to live."

Richard Franks, who defeated incumbent John Anthony Brown with 53.7% of the vote, also said in a phone interview he looks forward to the next two years.

"I am so happy of all the support we got from the people in The Woodlands," Franks said. "I’m delighted the slate won, we all worked very hard."

Brad Bailey, who received 56.34% of the vote for Position 1, could not immediately be reached for comment on Nov. 9.

All results are unofficial until canvassed.

Updated 7:30 a.m. Nov. 9

With all of Montgomery County's 111 voting precincts reporting and 774 of Harris County's 782 voting centers reporting, the apparent winners of The Woodlands Township board of directors in the Nov. 8 election remain the same as the previous night's results.

Brad Bailey won Position 1 with 20,439 votes, or 56.34% of the vote, to Craig Rickard's 15,838 votes, or 43.66% of the vote.

Linda Nelson defeated incumbent Jason J. Nelson with 22,468 votes, or 61.73% of the vote, to Jason Nelson's 13,927, or 38.27% of the vote.

The Position 3 incumbent John Anthony Brown was defeated, with challenger Richard Franks receiving 18,979 votes, or 53.7% of the vote, to Brown's 16,362, or 46.3% of the vote.

The Position 4 race ended with less than one percentage point separating the candidates. Kyle Watson received the most votes, 17,954, or 50.8% of the vote, with Steve Lawrence receiving 17,386, or 49.2% of the vote.

All votes are unofficial until canvassed.

Updated 11:15 p.m. Nov. 8

The four contested races for The Woodlands Township board of directors saw no changes in the candidates in the lead since early voting with 73 of 111 voting precincts reporting in Montgomery County and 11 of 782 voting centers reporting in Harris County.

Updated 11 p.m. Nov. 8

With 37 of 111 precincts reporting in Montgomery County and 11 of 782 voting centers reporting in Harris County, two challengers have the lead in races against in incumbents in The Woodlands Township board of directors elections. A total of four seats are contested on the board this year, with incumbents in Positions 1 and 4 not seeking re-election.

Position 1

Brad Bailey has the lead for Position 1 with 16,593 votes, or 56.14% of the vote, and Craig Rickard received 12,963 votes, or 43.86% of the vote.

Position 2

Linda Nelson maintains her lead against incumbent Jason J. Nelson in the race for Position 2, with 18,300 votes, or 61.7% of the vote, compared to Nelson's 11,360, or 38.3% of the vote.

Position 3

Richard Franks has the lead in the Position 3 race against incumbent John Anthony Brown, with 15,476 votes, or 53.64% of the vote, against Brown's 13,373, or 46.36% of the vote.

Position 4

Steve Lawrence and Kyle Watson were separated by about 500 votes, with Lawrence receiving 14,151 votes, or 49.07% of the vote, and Watson receiving 14,688, or 50.93% of the vote.

Posted Nov. 8 at 8:15 p.m.

With early voting results in from Harris and Montgomery counties, the challengers have a lead on the incumbents in two races in The Woodlands.

Four two-year positions are available on The Woodlands Township board of directors in the Nov. 8 election. Of the four contests, two include incumbents facing challengers and two races consist of newcomers. The positions are nonpartisan.

Brad Bailey and Craig Rickard are vying for the Position 1 seat on the board. Incumbent Gordy Bunch did not run for re-election.

Incumbent Jason J. Nelson is facing challenger Linda Nelson for the Position 2 seat.

Incumbent John Anthony Brown is facing challenger Richard Franks for the Position 3 seat.

Steve Lawrence and Kyle Watson are vying for the Position 4 seat on the board. Incumbent Bruce Rieser did not run for re-election.

The Woodlands board of directors consists of a total of seven positions.

Position 1

Early voting from Harris and Montgomery counties shows Brad Bailey in the lead for Position 1 with 14,627 votes, or 55.76% of the total. Craig Rickard received 11,606 votes in early voting, or 44.24% of the total.

Position 2

Early voting in Harris and Montgomery counties shows Linda Nelson is in the lead for Position 2 with 16,162 votes, or 61.33% of the total. Incumbent Jason J. Nelson received 10,190 early votes, or 38.67% of the total.

Position 3

Early voting shows challenger Richard Franks the lead in the race for Position 3 with 13,676 votes, or 53.32% of the total. Incumbent John Anthony Brown received 11,973 votes, or 46.68% of the total.

Position 4

Early voting shows Kyle Watson with a slight lead over Steve Lawrence in the race for Position 3. Watson received 12,555 votes, or 51.05% of the total. Lawrence received 11,394 votes, or 48.95% of the total.

All results are unofficial until canvassed. Visit communityimpact.com/voter-guide to see results from all local elections in your community.