Two candidates are running for The Woodlands Township board of directors Position 3 in the Nov. 8 election. Incumbent John Anthony Brown faces challenger Richard Franks.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents.

Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Richard Franks

Occupation: retired/media consultant

Relevant experience: Bronze Star, Vietnam; master’s degree in public administration; chief administrative officer, Urbana, Illinois, responsible for all city departments; executive vice president/general manager, Dispatch Printing, Columbus, Ohio; chairman, management committee AmeriFlora '92; managed community media companies across the U.S. including Westward Media in The Woodlands


[email protected]

What is the most important issue facing residents of The Woodlands Township?

Dialogue continues on incorporation; we worked to help get the 69% vote against, yet this continues to be pursued when the residents have spoken. The community has said no multiple times since 2012 and finally by a ballot vote in 2021 just 11 months ago. We are protected via contracts with Houston/Conroe and state legislation in 2017 and 2019. Further, we need community input on the appropriate allocation of our large budget reserves.

What experience do you feel makes you the best candidate for this position?

I have a master of public administration. Served as chief administrative officer, Urbana, Illinois, for five years, responsible for all departments; budget, federal and state contracts, labor relations and relationship with county officials. I also had sister city issues with Champaign, Illinois, not unlike the jurisdictional issues we have [and] managed community media companies across the U.S. In these endeavors I learned the many issues that concerned local governments.

What do you believe the next chapter in the township's history should consist of?

We need to focus more than ever on transparency. We have a very vibrant and educated community, and we need to utilize those talents. We need to create a formal village presidents council advisory board so we can have genuine community involvement and input. We need to work on establishing positive, collaborative relationships with other communities, counties and intergovernmental partners.

What would your priorities be in the township’s annual budget process?

To truly understand the past budgetary issues associated with the significant reserves increase from 2016-2022, from $57 million to $114 million today and to make sure the residents are treated fairly on taxation. Recreate relationships with the sheriffs so the safety and security of the community is protected. Meet with the Regional Mobility Plan participants to create a partnership. Help put engineering and communication plans in place for the community on water (supply, subsidence, drainage).

John Anthony Brown (incumbent)

Occupation: facilities manager, Huntsman International

Relevant experience: 2019 Leadership Montgomery County; treasurer, The Woodlands Township board of directors (2016-present); vice chair, Visit The Woodlands (2016-present); nominated 2015 volunteer of the year, The Woodlands Township; president, Alden Bridge Village Association area representative (2011-present); Design Standards Committee

What is the most important issue facing residents of The Woodlands Township?

Our 2022 resident survey showed 96% of our residents were extremely satisfied with our current services, including our fire department, EMS, parks and recreational facilities, swimming pools, garbage and other services. What I believe is essential will be the future of economic development. We need to take a conscious look at how we improve our shopping centers and retain/recruit Fortune 500 companies, all while keeping with The Woodlands values and environment.

What experience do you feel makes you the best candidate for this position?

My 10 years serving on the Alden Bridge Village Association, six years on The Woodlands Township board of directors as treasurer, six years as vice chair of Visit The Woodlands, five years on the Design Standards Committee and graduate of Leadership Montgomery County, along with over eight years as a facilities manager have given me the extensive knowledge and background to serve the residents as a trusted and competent representative.

What do you believe the next chapter in the township's history should consist of?

The future of The Woodlands Township is future economic development. We need to stay competitive with our surrounding communities, providing the next level of amenities to keep our community relevant, whether it is the performing arts center, improved parks and recreational programs, and putting ourselves in the position to attract more visitors and conferences. Being that 52% of our revenue is from sales and hotel tax, economic development will be the backbone to keeping our taxes low.

What would your priorities be in the township’s annual budget process?

My goal has always been to pay off or refinance debt when appropriate. Since being elected to office in 2016, we have paid down debt from $82 million to approximately $39.8 million, lowering the tax rate from 23 cents to 18.5 cents during this time, while still being able to enhance our community programs. I have consciously made an effort to prioritize the budget to what is important to our residents.