Editor's note: This story has been updated to add the responses of candidate Jameson Ellis.

Four candidates are vying for the U.S. House of Representatives District 2 seat in the Republican primary.

Candidate responses have been edited for length and clarity.

Jameson Ellis

Occupation: self-employed, small-business owner

Relevant experience:
I’ve spent the last few years helping bridge the gap between law enforcement and community.

Campaign phone: 936-242-0946

Campaign website: https://jamesonellis.com

Dan Crenshaw

Occupation: U.S. Congressman for Texas Second Congressional District

Relevant experience: Retired Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy SEALs; earned two Bronze Stars (one with valor), the Purple Heart, and the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, among others

Campaign phone: 281-888-4016

Campaign website: https://crenshawforcongress.com/contact

Martin Etwop

Occupation: law student (final semester) and Christian missionary

Relevant experience: church-planter, missions team lead, father of three, event coordinator,

automotive manufacturing and director or after-school program

Campaign phone: 936-283-2188

Campaign website: www.martinetwop.com

Milam Langella (candidate did not provide a photo)

Occupation: commercial airline pilot

Relevant experience: I worked on military staffs and developed operational war planning for national strategy.

Campaign phone: 832-510-9901

Campaign website: www.milam4congress.com

What inspired you to run for this office, and what qualifications do you possess?

Ellis: After watching our government leaders sit on their butts while cities were burning and family incomes were destroyed in 2020, I did some homework. Out of the 435 voting members of the House, less than 40 have true conservative voting records. Democrats have always acted and voted like Democrats, but we need Republicans acting and voting like Republicans. I know the district, and have been actively serving the district.

Crenshaw: I’ve committed my life to the service of others, first as a Navy SEAL and now as the congressman for [District 2]. I was first inspired to run for Congress after Hurricane Harvey. I saw the devastation firsthand and knew we needed improvements at the federal level to respond to and prevent future flooding. That’s why I advocated and secured [Federal Emergency Management Agency] funding for key flood mitigation projects in our community during my first term.

Etwop: The Trump presidency inspired a lot of conservatives like me, and the 2020 election showed how broken our election system is. The debt ceiling is rising without people seeming to care about our children’s futures. People advocating for [critical race theory]. ... First Amendment rights trampled upon, and Americans denied their due process. ... Criminals destroying people’s businesses not held accountable. ... I have been in this same place before and know how the story ends having grown up in Uganda.

Langella: I'm running because our current representative has failed in his constitutional duty to the district and has increased the size of the government and reduced civil liberties. Every rank that I held in the Marine Corps I was given increased responsibility from commanding units in combat to commanding staffs for the development of operation war plans.

What would your top priorities be if elected?

Ellis: Expose the voting records of so-called Republicans that don’t act and vote like Republicans, and ensure their constituents know exactly how they voted so they can be voted out of office. Vote down every single bad piece of legislation that violates the Constitution and repeal bad legislation that never should’ve been passed in the first place. Put an end to the unconstitutional power granted to unelected bureaucrats and special interests.

Crenshaw: I pride myself on being one of the most effective Republican lawmakers, passing legislation into law under President Trump to protect Texas energy jobs and introducing bipartisan legislation to combat illegal immigration and stop President Biden’s border crisis. I also have introduced legislation to stop Joe Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate, which should be a top priority for Republicans when we take back the majority. These issues will continue to be my priorities if re-elected.

Etwop: My top priorities [will be] defending and protecting our borders, responsible fiscal spending and balanced budget amendment, defending our individual rights and liberties, stopping socialism, Marxism and the [critical race theory] indoctrination and protecting the unborn.

Langella: Repealing the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act, repealing the Patriot Act and repealing [the Threat Assessment, Prevention and Safety] Act.

What do you believe the federal government’s role should be in COVID-19 response?

Ellis: Tell the truth and stop lying to the American people. It’s not their job to keep us healthy ... it’s their job to protect our rights and secure our borders. The private sector could’ve responded much faster than our government, but unfortunately, the science is bought and paid for by unelected bureaucrats and special interests. Like [President Ronald] Reagan said, “Government isn’t the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”

Crenshaw: The government can only do so much to prevent the spread of a pandemic. Even draconian measures have proven to have little effect, but with great cost to society and our economy. The government should have a limited role in all of this: provide accurate health guidance and invest in resources that people can take advantage of voluntarily. I am completely opposed to [President Joe] Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate and have introduced legislation to stop it.

Etwop: The federal government should get out of the way and let individuals decide if they want to take the jab or not. There is no place for mandates in a free society that cherishes individual liberties. Medical issues should be between the individual and his or her doctor, not the government.

Langella: The government should be taking sound medical and scientific advice from credible sources and avoid knee-jerk reaction. States should be allowed to handle their own COVID-19 response.

What needs do you see for Precinct 2?

Ellis: To have true conservative representation in Washington that will fight against big government overreach and the assault on our liberties. We want our representative to listen, serve, and fight for us and our God-given liberties. We want to live our lives, keep more of our hard-earned money, and know that our Constitutional rights, elections and border are safe and secure.

Crenshaw: I believe the interests of people in this district, as with most Texans, are the same. Texans want their representatives to be an authentic, strong voice for themselves and their families in Congress. Right now, they want a representative who will provide a check on Joe Biden’s assault on Texas oil and gas jobs, unconstitutional vaccine mandate, unprecedented border crisis and socialist spending that is driving up everyday costs for families.

Etwop: Texas [District] 2 needs include getting back our liberties, abolition of income tax and property tax, which takes away instead of helping in wealth creation. We also need to have actual representation in Congress. Our representative should speak for us, not go to news cycles and make Hollywood-style videos; the leaders should come back to the district and listen to the people and only vote on what the people support.

Langella: Election integrity, border security and the enforcement of child trafficking laws.

What do you think the role of the federal government is supposed to be?

Ellis: To protect our unalienable God-given (not government-given) rights that are recognized and acknowledged by the Constitution, secure our borders from outside invasion, and somewhat maintain our infrastructure across state lines. We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness so long as we don’t endanger or infringe on the life, liberty, and property of others.

Crenshaw: Protect your inalienable rights, defend the homeland and perform basic functions well. Otherwise, leave Americans alone to live their lives and make a living to provide for their families.

Etwop: The role of the federal government is to guarantee a federal system, protect the states from invasions, including military and illegal immigration invasions. And finally, the federal government is tasked with protecting and guaranteeing the rights of the people as stipulated in the Constitution, and not oppressing the citizens of this great nation.

Langella: Provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and strictly adhere to the 10th Amendment.