Saldivar is being contested by Joe Gordon.
Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Joe Gordon
11 years hospital administrator – director of finance, created a nonprofit, Empowering Through Education Foundation (ETE), providing promising students higher education through scholarships and internships. Raised over $75,000 for scholarships; 98% students awarded an ETE scholarship graduated from college/university
Science teacher
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you running to represent District 6?
To maintain a fair tax base for constituents and increase homestead exemption for senior citizens. I want to work with my colleagues to make college affordable for all and create partnerships with area businesses to help support Lone Star College. It is important to have and maintain a strong workforce program and nondegree programs. With crimes on the rise, I want to ensure our schools and neighborhoods are very safe.
What are the most important issues in your district, and how will you address them if elected?
Safe schools and communities – establish relationships with the Commissioner's Court and other government agencies to find potential solutions. Fair tax base constituents – work with the board to decrease property tax to give families a relief. Making college affordable for everyone and creating business partnerships – high cost of college is preventing students from attending – find federal and state funding for students. Creating business partnerships is essential for school sponsorships and new programs to help the advancement of students.
What are your budget priorities for next fiscal year?
Make sure that the budget is in line with the mission of the College; maintain affordable tuition and fees for students; homestead exemption percentage increase for seniors; reduction in taxes for homeowners

Myriam Saldivar (incumbent)
Myriam Saldívar joined the Lone Star College Board of Trustees for District 6 in 2016. Prior to joining Lone Star, she served on the board of the Greenspoint—YMCA, where she raised funds to provide programs and services for many of our underserved children. She then led as chair for Vecino Healthcare Center, a federal qualified clinic, to provide affordable and accessible healthcare to many residents in Northeast Houston. She joined the Hispanic Advisory Committee for Houston ISD, providing scholarships and educational programs to increase student graduation rates.
government relations
Candidate Website:
Why are you running to represent District 6?
My re-election will help continue my work in providing affordable, first-class education for area students. During my tenure taxes were not raised, and through corporate partnership, apprenticeship and vocational courses were increased. Help me to continue to work to provide affordable education to our students without raising taxes.
What are the most important issues in your district, and how will you address them if elected?
Ensure equitable access to education in your neighborhood. I have pushed for baccalaureate program legislation for community colleges—providing LSC with degrees ranging from Bachelor of Science in Nursing to Bachelor of Applied Science in Energy. These programs would ensure students receive affordable bachelor’s degrees while enrolled in community college. In addition, help increase funding for workforce programs. These programs would ensure a wide range of trade and vocational courses for students.
What are your budget priorities for next fiscal year?
To review the homestead exemption and continue to maintain the lowest tax rates in the state of Texas. Additionally, increase scholarships for vocational courses for our students.