Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Rita Yates-Wiltz
Parent, grandmother, wife. I am a sworn trusted citizen of the community. Actively serving on many boards. Capacity to pass federal and state background checks. Proven community leader, over 90 lifetime and current education certifications. Past PTO presidents and served on CISD PTO boards, community organizer for diverse populations.
Executive director, CHWI, CHW
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Why are you running to represent District 7?
Because college is a “WE THE PEOPLE” learning institution. I would like to facilitate access to higher education and college to represent all students and adults.
What are the most important issues in your district, and how will you address them if elected?
More students enrolled in dual credits, senior citizens, more access to online classes and more student access to college.
What are your budget priorities for next fiscal year?
Open dialogue between the trustees regarding finances and the budget to retain employees staff salaries as a high priority Investment in online and virtual learning infrastructure Adjust the budget according to the changing economic climate due to inflation.

Rebecca Broussard
I served on The Willis ISD board of trustees for 21 years. This service and my degrees in education give me the needed experience to serve on this board. They are very similar, as far as the principles of what you do. I am the only Republican in this race.
My daughter and I own a private Christian school, Lake Conroe Christian Academy, in Conroe. I am an educator with a Bachelors and masters degree in Education from Sam Houston State University.
Candidate Website:
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Why are you running to represent District 7?
I have a serving heart, as seen by my 21 years serving on the Willis ISD board of trustees. I want to continue to do so. I want to help make a difference and I believe that we need a strong conservative Republican in this position to do just that.
What are the most important issues in your district, and how will you address them if elected?
There are always budget issues that come up. I want to get into office so I can see exactly what needs to be addressed. I really want to be on committees involved with curriculum issues.
What are your budget priorities for next fiscal year?
We always want to make sure the budget is balanced and we have a healthy fund balance. I came from a board that did this every budget year, so I want to see that we continue to do so.