Lindsayann Anderson founded The Tailored Teacher in 2014 because she wanted to provide individual support for students with special needs. Now, in the wake of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the business has expanded to help all students cope with the uncharted waters of remote learning.

The Tailored Teacher offers a variety of educational support services, including one-on-one tutoring, special education support and advocacy, and home-school enrichment, Anderson said.

Before she began Tailored Teacher, Anderson worked as a public school teacher for students with learning disabilities. Since then, Anderson has slowly added more programs and specialized events, such as summer camps. She said these services have broadened due to the coronavirus.

“We are now also offering for this fall ... online school support services,” she said. “For public school kids who are doing online school, we are providing, in addition to all of our regular services, ... four location options.”

This support system will function as a classroom for online students, allowing students to do classwork in small groups with adult supervision and additional tutoring when local school districts begin classes. Anderson said all locations, which include one at I-45 and Rayford Road, will have air purifiers, temperature checks, and no shared school supplies. Although staff will wear face masks, she said students are not required to.

Before the pandemic, Anderson said Tailored Teacher worked with about 60 families throughout the school year. Now, she has heard interest from about 90 families for support and tutoring. This surge in interest has forced Anderson to double her staff to meet the needs.

“We’ve pretty much doubled what we’ve done, but we’ve just had to be very careful and consistent in communication with parents and staff members,” she said.

The Tailored Teacher

25307 I-45, Ste. 130, Spring
