Voters in Montgomery County likely feel as if elections have been underway for the past year. Between the March primaries, local city elections and the May 22 primary runoff, it can be easy to feel like the news cycle is filled with nothing but campaigning. With the primaries behind us, voters will have a short reprieve from lines at the polls; however, the 2018 election cycle is not through just yet. Following the March primaries to determine Republican and Democratic party candidates, November’s midterm election will determine a number or federal, state and county representatives. In The Woodlands area, voters will decide who will be the next Texas governor, lieutenant governor, U.S. senator, state representatives and Montgomery County judge, among others. For residents not registered to vote, the deadline to cast a ballot in the November election is Oct. 9. Not sure where or how to register? Visit for information on where to get applications and how to fill them out.