The U.S. Census Bureau released data March 17 that includes its Annual Community Survey five-year estimates for 2016-20, including the first year of the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the disruption caused by the pandemic, the bureau said it revised its methodology to reduce bias caused by higher rates of nonresponse in 2020.

According to the data, the largest growth in an age demographic in Shenandoah was in ages 65-74, which increased from 329 residents in the 2011-15 report to 722 in the 2016-20 report. In Oak Ridge North the census revealed that the city's biggest age group increase was among residents ages 20-24, which increased from 195 in 2011-15 to 318 in 2016-20. The biggest decline was among residents ages 10-14, which decreased from 243 to 100 in the same time periods.

Overall, in Oak Ridge North the number of residents with higher education degrees increased slightly, most notably in the amount of residents age 25 and older with an associate degree, which increased from 188 in 2011-15 to 302 in 2016-20. Shenandoah also followed this trend, but the number of residents age 25 and older with an associate degree decreased from 199 to 99 across the same time periods.

The median income for households in both Shenandoah and Oak Ridge increased from 2011-15 to 2016-20. Shenandoah increased from $67,750 to $81,806; Oak Ridge increased from $88,500 to $95,833.