Updated May 12 2:35 p.m.

The total number of COVID-19 cases reported in ZIP codes within Community Impact Newspaper’s The Woodlands coverage area reached 290 this week, while weekly case count increases in the area appear to be slowing.

Thirteen new cases were reported between May 6-12 in seven The Woodlands-area ZIP codes, including six in Montgomery County and one in Harris County, according to data from each county health department. That weekly count is down from the 21 new cases reported by each county in those ZIP codes from April 28-May 5 and the 53 new cases reported from April 21-27.

Two ZIP codes did not add any new cases over the past week. ZIP code 77386, which has the highest population locally, remained the area with the most cases, at 78. ZIP code 77384 maintained the lowest case count in the area, at 18. No new coronavirus-related deaths have been recorded in The Woodlands area since May 5.

Montgomery County overall added 80 new cases over the past week, bringing its total count to 742, including 468 active cases. Seventeen county residents have died of complications related to the virus, and 257 have recovered.

This week also saw the launch of several COVID-19 testing initiatives throughout the area, including Montgomery County's resident voucher program and two drive-thru sites in The Woodlands and Magnolia established through partnerships with Kroger.

Here are the case numbers for ZIP codes in The Woodlands area per May 5 data from the Montgomery County and Harris County public health departments, as well as population estimates for each ZIP code from the latest U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey five-year estimates.

  • 77380: 33 cases (25,879 population)

  • 77381: 20 cases (36,507 population)

  • 77282: 57 cases (39,861 population)

  • 77384: 18 cases (17,926 population)

  • 77385: 43 cases (25,572 population)

  • 77386: 78 cases (54,802 population)

  • 77389: 41 cases (35,349 population)

Posted May 6 1:52 p.m.

Twenty new COVID-19 cases were reported in The Woodlands-area ZIP codes in Montgomery County this week, as the county’s overall case count total rose by 100 from April 28-May 5.

Of the county’s 662 total confirmed cases as of May 5, 446 remain active, including 392 in self-isolation and 54 in hospitals. Fifteen county residents have died of complications related to the virus, including eight in The Woodlands area, and 201 have recovered.

Among Montgomery County ZIP codes within Community Impact Newspaper’s The Woodlands coverage area, ZIP code 77386—which has the highest estimated population in the area, at 54,802 residents—remains at the highest count of confirmed cases, with 75. ZIP code 77384 has the lowest number of confirmed cases, with 17, and the lowest estimated population, with 17,926 residents.

ZIP code 77389, located in Harris County, has recorded 37 cases among its 35,349 residents.

Here are the case numbers for ZIP codes in The Woodlands area per May 5 data from the Montgomery and Harris county public health departments as well as population estimates for each ZIP code from the U.S. Census Bureau’s latest American Community Survey five-year estimates.

  • 77380: 33 cases (25,879 population)

  • 77381: 20 cases (36,507 population)

  • 77282: 56 cases (39,861 population)

  • 77384: 17 cases (17,926 population)

  • 77385: 39 cases (25,572 population)

  • 77386: 75 cases (54,802 population)

  • 77389: 37 cases (35,349 population)

From April 28-May 5, each local ZIP code reported between one and five new COVID-19 cases. Previous weekly case count information may be found here.