Montgomery County Commissioners Court will receive $23.7 million from Texas to fund a statewide active shooter training facility in partnership with the Texas Department of Public Safety.

What you need to know

The former Keefer Crossing Middle School in New Caney ISD will be fully renovated and staffed through a partnership with the DPS as well as funding from the state following a new state mandate requiring all first responders to have active shooter training.

The facility will be staffed by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, and funding is included in the state allocation for:
  • One lieutenant
  • Four sergeant
  • Four specialists
What they’re saying

“DPS will be our partner on that project and find out the parameters of how they're going to handle the payout and what guidance and oversight they may want to perform on the project as we move forward,” said Jason Millsaps, executive director of emergency management and homeland security for Montgomery County.

“As of Sept. 1, state law changes and the program that we are offering at that campus is now a mandated program for all police officers, firemen and EMTs in the state to obtain. So we anticipate starting very early in the fall to have a large rush in need for folks to want to take this training,” Millsaps said.

Going forward

Millsaps said the funding will not be available to Montgomery County until Sept. 1, and there are still some parameters that must be outlined between the state and the county. However, the facility will serve all first responders statewide.

The funding will allow the county to purchase the building outright instead of leasing the facility on a yearly basis, according to information at the meeting.