Editor's note: this story has been update to reflect a correction made regarding the city's proposed resolution to the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District.  During Wednesday’s Shenandoah City Council meeting, council members further discussed a resolution opposing Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District’s proposed rate increase for 2018. Council also approved moving forward on fencing in the city’s Toddler Park and conducting an engineering study for Tamina Road and David Memorial Drive intersection improvements. 1.) City Council tabled a resolution opposing LSGCD’s proposed rate increase for 2018, which is set at 11 cents per 1,000 gallons and takes effect Sept. 1. The new rate is a 46.7 percent increase from the current rate of 7.5 cents per 1,000 gallons. Council members were in favor of rewriting the resolution with stronger verbiage, and an amended resolution will be presented for approval during a July 12 city council meeting. 2.) After much discussion, council members voted in favor of fencing in the city’s Toddler Park at 315 Shenandoah Drive, Shenandoah. The fence will cost approximately $13,000, Mayor Ritch Wheeler said. Although it was noted that many parents would not allow their children to wander into the street, the council voted to move forward and remain proactive to avoid any accidents. 3.) Council approved an engineering study that will look into the effectiveness of the intersection at Tamina Road and David Memorial Drive. Changes could include eliminating the double left turn lanes from Tamina Road going north onto David Memorial Drive as well as eliminating the double right turn from David Memorial Drive going south and turning west onto Tamina Road, City Manager Greg Smith said.