Township inquiring about WRUD board position

An invitation to fill a board position on The Woodlands Road Utility District No. 1 is under scrutiny by the township’s board of directors.

During a December board meeting, the newly seated township directors made appointments to several committees, but there were no volunteers to serve on the WRUD. The WRUD was formed in the 1990s to construct major thoroughfares and connector streets in The Woodlands. The WRUD does levy a commercial property tax rate of 32 cents per $100 valuation. Former township Director Mike Bass served on the board since 2015.

Board Chairman Gordy Bunch said he has concerns with the legality of having a township director serve on the WRUD board because it is another taxing entity within the same geographical district. There are seven members on the WRUD: five are volunteers and two are appointed. Bunch said he requested members of the RUD present to the full board in January about its functions.

“I have challenges morally with the ability to issue copious amounts of debt by only a few people if the folks who have to pay the taxes have no vote in that process,” Bunch said.