The Texas House of Representatives has passed a bill that might make buying a glass of beer in a brewery taproom more expensive. As it stands right now, breweries can sell beer in their own taprooms without a middle man. But if a recent House bill passes, brewers would have to sell the beer to a distributor, then buy it back in order to sell the beer in the brewery's own taproom. According to the Texas Legislature's website, the Texas House of Representatives passed House Bill 3287 on May 8, which would require the extra step for brewers who produce more than 225,000 barrels of beer a year, which only affects large craft brewers right now. The bill was referred to the Senate Business and Commerce Committee in May, according to the Legislature's website. Brewers say taproom sales are a big part of their business models and help them market their beers to customers. If breweries have to sell and then buy back their own beer to serve to customers, it will mean a price hike for consumers. "There is absolutely no benefit to any consumer, to any business in the state of Texas with the exception of distributors if this passed," said Brock Wagner, of St. Arnold's Brewery. The state Senate has a similar bill that has not passed yet. Beer makers are telling beer drinkers to call their elected officials to voice their concerns. Brewers also point out that less than 1 percent of beer sold in Texas is sold in brewery taprooms. Original story by ABC 13