The Sienna Village of Anderson Springs community is part of the Sienna master-planned community in Missouri City.

Median home value: $427,500

Homes on the market*: 0

Homes under contract*: 2

Median annual property taxes: $9,613

Median price per square foot: $151.66

Average days on the market*: 34

*As of Feb. 1

Build-out year: 2019

Square footage range: 1,800-4,450

HOA dues (estimated): $1,307 annually

Schools: Schiff Elementary School, Baines Middle School, Ridge Point High School

Property taxes (in dollars):

Fort Bend ISD:

Fort Bend County: 0.4383

Fort Bend County Drainage District: 0.0145

Sienna Parks & Levee Improvement District: 0.45

Sienna Plantation Municipal Utility District No. 10: 0.7

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.8129

The number of homes sold decreased in four of five local ZIP codes in January versus January 2022.

Meanwhile, the median price of homes sold rose in only two of five local ZIP codes.