Median home value: $545,000
Homes on the market*: 1
Homes under contract*: 0
Median annual property taxes: $9,489
Median price per square foot: $165.81
Average days on the market*: 34
As of Jan. 1
Build-out year: 1992
Median square footage: 2,800-3,952
HOA dues (estimated): $812 annually
Schools: Colony Meadows Elementary School, Fort Settlement Middle School, Clements High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
Fort Bend ISD: 1.2101
Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 2: 0.149
Fort Bend County: 0.4383
Fort Bend County Drainage District: 0.0145
City of Sugar Land: 0.3465
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.1584
The median price of homes sold in all area ZIP codes increased except ZIP code 77498 in December 2022 over December 2021.
The number of homes sold decreased in all area ZIP codes.