Median home value: $249,650
Homes on the market*: 1
Homes under contract*: 0
Median annual property taxes: $3,392
Median price per square foot: $149.83
Average days on the market*: 11
Build-out year: 1995
Square footage: 1,300-2,600
Home values: $200,000-$295,000
HOA dues (estimated): $355 annually
Schools: Edgar Glover Jr. Elementary School, Missouri City Middle School, Marshall High School
*As of Sept. 1
Property taxes (per $100 valuation):
Fort Bend ISD: 1.2101
Houston Community College Missouri City: 0.099909
Missouri City: 0.57804
Fort Bend County: 0.4383
Fort Bend County Drainage District: 0.0145
Fort Bend County Water Control & Improvement District No. 2: 0.2125
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.55253