Plantation Trails at First Colony is a subdivision located in Missouri City, Fort Bend County. It is situated in an ideal location with easy access to major thoroughfares and is surrounded with restaurants, education opportunities, entertainment venues and shopping options.
Build-out year: 2002 (median) Median square footage: 2,872 Median home value: $239,795 Homeowners association dues (estimated): $748 annually Amenities: swimming pools, tennis courts, nearby lakes Schools: Quail Valley Elementary School, Quail Valley Middle School, Elkins High School
Property taxes (in dollars): Fort Bend County General Fund - 0.4580 Fort Bend Drainage - 0.0160 Fort Bend ISD - 1.3400HCC Missouri City - 0.1003 City of Missouri City - 0.5600 First Colony MUD 9 - 0.2550 First Colony LID - 0.1500 Total (per $100 valuation) - 2.8793
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