Sugar Creek provides its residents with a family-friendly environment and has a number of homes with varying designs and floorplans. The neighborhood offers its residents a number of amenities as well as the opportunity to become members of the Sugar Creek Country Club. The neighborhood is located near major thoroughfares, such as Hwy. 59, Hwy. 6 and Hwy. 90, which provides residents access into Houston.
Build-out year: 1979 Median square footage: 3,600 Median home value: $490,356 HOA dues (estimated): $800 annually Amenities: swimming pools, tennis courts and golf for country club members only School district: Fort Bend ISD
Property taxes (in dollars): City of Sugar Land - 0.3160 FB Drainage - 0.0220 FB General Fund - 0.4728 FBISD - 1.3400 Total (per $100 value) - 2.1508
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