The gist
At a March 18 meeting, Sugar Land City Council approved accepting a $1 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for Plantation Bend drainage improvements. The improvement area is located north of Hwy. 6 and west of Lost Creek and Oyster Creek parks.
The city applied for the grant in March 2023 through the office of U.S. Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Richmond, according to agenda documents. The grant requires a $200,000 match from the city.
Zooming in
The project aims to reduce the ponding elevation the area experiences during major storm events on Plantation Bend Drive, according to agenda documents. Proposed improvements include:
- Storm sewer upsizing
- Inlet replacement
- Associated pavement replacement along Plantation Bend Drive
The project comes after a 2018 citywide study identified five areas for storm drain improvements in Riverbend South and Plantation Bend, following flooding from 2015 to 2017, according to agenda documents.
Two projects, completed in May 2023, were funded by the city’s $91 million general obligation bond approved by voters in November 2019.
Going forward
City officials expect construction to take one year to complete, according to agenda documents.