For the second time during its Sept. 19 meeting, Missouri City City Council opted to reject all bids for a city construction project, citing costs that were higher than expected.

During that meeting, the City Council unanimously approved a motion rejecting seven bids for a construction project looking to demolish and replace the city’s parks and maintenance facility at 1523 Texas Parkway.

The project was bid back on May 16, said Shashi Kumar, the city’s director of public works and city engineer. Of the seven bids received, all were well above the city’s project budget of $4.9 million, with the lowest coming in at about $7.1 million, Kumar said.

“We had seven bids with the lowest at $7.1 million,” Kumar said. “This is not just Missouri City experiencing this. Most entities are experiencing this.”

City officials said the high bid costs can be attributed to a period of uncertainty due to rising fuel prices and supply chain issues at the time the bids were submitted.

Meanwhile, Missouri City will perform value engineering on any price-sensitive items for the project and will look to hopefully rebid the project by the end of the year, Kumar said.

When complete, the new parks and maintenance facility will fill a larger footprint to make way for future growth and expansion of the city, Kumar said.

City Council’s rejection of the bids comes after it similarly rejected a bid for a widening and improvement project on Sienna Parkway. Like the facilities and maintenance building, Missouri City received a bid that was significantly higher than what the city had budgeted.