The Missouri City City Council approved in a 5-2 vote during its May 16 meeting to hire engineering consulting firm HR Green Inc. to perform the design work in an amount not to exceed $1,017,230, according to agenda documents, utilizing certificates of obligation available to Missouri City in the fiscal year 2021-22.
Over the next six months, HR Green will provide design-related services necessary to prepare plans, specifications and engineering for the design, construction and commissioning of an expansion that will increase the total rated capacity to approximately 3 million gallons of wastewater per day, according to agenda documents.
The existing site, which consists of two package plants, one concrete plant and a recently integrated package plant, is rated at a total capacity of 1.95 million gallons per day, according to agenda documents.
Missouri City operates and maintains these facilities, which continue to see increased demand, city officials said.
“This part of the city is experiencing rapid growth,” said Shashi Kumar, Missouri City public works director, in an email to Community Impact Newspaper. “This [wastewater treatment plant] expansion is needed to support growth and [is] vitally important for planned economic growth as well.”
In total, the expansion is expected to cost approximately $14 million, including both design and construction. An exact date on when construction on the expansion is expected to start is unknown, though after that portion of the project is bid out, construction is anticipated to begin in the spring or summer of 2023, Kumar said.
In addition to providing the design for the expansion, the $1 million contract will have HR Green act as the city’s project representative during the construction phase. This includes providing engineering and technical personnel and a construction observer to observe the progress of construction activities and to assist in the interpretation of plans and specifications, according to agenda documents.