The Fort Bend ISD board of trustees and Missouri City City Council will both hold virtual meetings on April 6, and the Fort Bend County Commissioners Court will do the same April 7. Keep reading for a preview of key items on each agenda and for information on how to address the entities or watch live.

Fort Bend ISD board of trustees special called meeting

The Fort Bend ISD board of trustees will meet at 6 p.m. April 6 to address matters related to the district’s response to the coronavirus.

At the meeting, the board will take final action to postpone the May 2 board of trustees election to Nov. 3. Additionally, the board will vote to reauthorize resolutions allowing for continued staff compensation and for Superintendent Charles Dupre to carry out necessary contracts for coronavirus-related supplies.

Trustees are also set to discuss grading and reporting processes for students as well as teacher evaluations.

Members of the public can listen to the meeting live online. Those wishing to address the board must register here by 4:30 p.m. A copy of the agenda can be found here.

Missouri City City Council special meeting

Missouri City City Council will kick the evening of April 6 off with a special meeting at 5:30 p.m.

At this meeting, council has two items on the agenda related to the search for a new city manager: Council will discuss and consider deferring the hiring of a permanent city manager, and council will also consider directing city staff to post and advertise the position themselves.

Missouri City City Council voted to fire Anthony Snipes as the city manager on Feb. 24. Assistant City Manager Bill Atkison was appointed to be the interim city manager.

Also at this meeting, council will receive two presentations: one on updates to the Watershed master plan and the other on the Enterprise fleet management program. Council will additionally discuss an ordinance pertaining to the city personnel policy and the process to report employment claims or a potential paycheck error.

Click here to view the full agenda. Members of the public hoping to speak on an agenda item must contact the city secretary at [email protected] or 281-403-8686 or complete the online public comment form before 4 p.m. April 6.

Missouri City City Council regular meeting

At the 7 p.m. regular City Council meeting, the city will present an update on the city’s coronavirus response.

Due to the virus, council will also formally vote to suspend the planned May 2 election until Nov. 3. At a March 30 meeting, all members of council expressed their support for moving the election.

Among regular business items, council will host three public hearings and consider several proclamations, authorizations, ordinances and resolutions. Here are some of the items on the agenda:

  • The city will proclaim April as “National Fair Housing Month.”
  • A public hearing will be held on a permit request authorizing a place of assembly in the Missouri City Central, or Omid Center, shopping center.
  • Council will consider awarding a service agreement for public works projects.
  • Council will consider authorizing the negotiation and execution of a contract with the Gulf Coast Water Authority to purchase 10 additional million gallons per day of raw water supplies.

Click here to view the full agenda. Members of the public hoping to speak on an agenda item must contact the city secretary at [email protected] or 281-403-8686 or complete the online public comment form before 4 p.m. April 6.

Fort Bend County Commissioners Court

Fort Bend County Commissioners Court will meet at 1 p.m. April 7 for its regular meeting. Items on the agenda related to COVID-19 include:

  • authorizing payments to nonexempt and exempt employees for their regular hourly rate for their deferred time earned during the COVID-19 public health emergency;
  • approving a $436,091 grant application to the Texas Department of State Health Services;
  • approving a $50,000 grant application to the Texas Veterans Commission;
  • ratifying an application and accepting $100 in gift card donations from H-E-B; and
  • amending an agreement with Angel Staffing Inc. to increase its scope of services by $150,000 in response to the public health emergency for a total contract amount not to exceed $250,000.
The public can watch the meeting livestream starting at 1 p.m. April 7 here.

Sugar Land City Council regular meeting

Sugar Land City Council will meet virtually April 7 at 5 p.m.

Council will begin in a closed executive session and reconvene at 5:30 p.m. for the regular agenda.

One item the council members will vote on is whether to approve postponing the May 2 election to Nov. 3, in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Click here to view the full agenda. Tune into the meeting livestream at 5 p.m. April 7, here.