Three candidates will run for the Sugar Land City Council District 4 seat on May 3.The unexpired term of Carol McCutcheon, who is running for mayor, will be held by the winner until May 2027.

Candidates running for District 4 were asked to complete a questionnaire from Community Impact. They were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Sapana Patel

Experience: top-performing Realtor with expertise in property development, zoning and community growth issues

Contact Information: 713-922-1055

Why did you choose to run for this position?

I have actively served District 4 for years, including two terms on the Planning & Zoning Commission. I never miss a meeting and regularly attend City Council and town halls. Running for City Council is the next step in my commitment to keeping Sugar Land the best place to live.

What is your top priority if elected to represent the citizens of Sugar Land?

My top priority is serving District 4 residents by improving mobility and fostering redevelopment. I am dedicated to addressing community needs with efficient solutions that keep Sugar Land the best place to live, while building on Carol [McCutcheon]'s legacy and providing exceptional representation for District 4.

What do you think is the most pressing issue for local residents, and what will you do to address it?

Tract 5 next to Smart Financial is still underdeveloped before it is developed because of the substantial amount of commercial development that will come to the corner. Council needs to [be] aware of the traffic congestion that automatically produced so that you do not replicate the town center congestion at 59 and Hwy 6.

What else can the city do to encourage redevelopment of older city areas?

Redeveloping our city is key to its growth and success. It requires careful planning, transparency, and input from residents and stakeholders. I’m committed to fostering progress through clear communication, accessibility, and incorporating feedback to ensure redevelopment benefits all and drives lasting improvement.

Zeenat Mitha

Experience: university professor and over two decades of experience serving the city, in various capacities

Why did you choose to run for this position?

I have spent two decades serving the city of Sugar Land, in various capacities. I want to serve my city and its constituents even further, in areas where I have gained tremendous experience.

What is your top priority if elected to represent the citizens of Sugar Land?

Safety. I will support the Blue. Families move to Sugar Land due to crime being low and having police, fire and [emergency medical services] respond within minutes.

What do you think is the most pressing issue for local residents, and what will you do to address it?

Residents are concerned about traffic and development. We must be sure development (1) doesn’t prevent any current property owner from the use or enjoyment of their property; (2) does not overwhelm schools; (3) does not overwhelm infrastructure i.e. traffic, drainage, water, sewer, streets, police or fire? (4) must be …

What else can the city do to encourage redevelopment of older city areas?

Candidate did not respond to question.

What will bring young professionals to move to the city?

We must consider what is appropriate and brings revenue for the city, but make sure that schools, traffic, drainage, water, sewer, streets, police and fire will not be overwhelmed. The development must be first rate and a credit to the city.

Rick Miller

Experience: lifelong public servant, 30 years in the Navy, eight years in the Texas Legislature, three…

Contact Information: 832-971-7444

Why did you choose to run for this position?

The large turnover of the City Council this year prompted me to run to ensure experienced and knowledgeable people would be on the council going forward for the near future. The current council and leadership of the city has it on a great path and I want to preserve what …

What is your top priority if elected to represent the citizens of Sugar Land?

My priorities are in six areas: ensuring accountable governance; fiscal accountability with a conservative and transparent budget; property tax relief and transparency; continued economic development and growth and redevelopment of Lake Point and the Imperial Sugar area; public safety and ensuring Sugar Land is the safest city in Texas.

What do you think is the most pressing issue for local residents, and what will you do to address it?

I think the key issues for most residents reside in the priorities I addressed.

What else can the city do to encourage redevelopment of older city areas?

The council and city manager must make the redevelopment of Lake Point, Imperial Sugar area and other older areas real priorities in the next five years. I will lead the council in this area to ensure we do not allow any of these areas to sit idle without the investment.