The details
The candidate filing period for the May local election opens Jan. 15 and runs until Feb. 14, according to the Texas Secretary of State’s website. Multiple positions on Sugar Land City Council and the FBISD board of trustees will be on the May ballot.
A closer look
Candidates running for these positions are elected to serve three-year terms, according to the district’s and city’s websites. These positions include:
Sugar Land mayor
- Held by Joe Zimmerman, who has held the position since June 2016
- Held by William Ferguson, who announced on Facebook his bid for mayor
- Held by Jennifer Lane, who was appointed by council members to serve as mayor pro tem
- Held by Rick Garcia, who was appointed to board vice president
- Elected from the west portion of the district
- Held by David Hamilton, who was appointed to board secretary
- Elected from the east portion of the district
Although FBISD candidates who file to run must reside on the side of the district the position requires, all voters can weigh in on all candidates, and candidates serve all district residents, according to the FBISD website.
For more information on how to file for a place on the ballot, visit the FBISD website. However, the website hadn’t been updated with 2025 election information as of press time Jan. 14.
For information on qualifications to file for Sugar Land City Council, click here.
What’s next?
The election will take place May 3, with early voting running from April 22-29, according to the Texas Secretary of State’s website.
The last day to register to vote is April 3.