The district covers parts of Fort Bend County, including Sugar Land.
Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines or for style and clarity. For more information about voting in Fort Bent County, visit

Dayo David
Worked with mental health and human service agencies; performed pro bono legal service for indigents
Candidate Website:
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Why are you running for this position?
Our fundamental rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are under aggressive assault, our family needs security, our communities need opportunity, and the quality of school education is unacceptable. I am running as a state representative to join forces with our constituents in tackling these challenges and delivering results.
What are the biggest challenges facing the district, and how would you address them if elected?
Some of the biggest challenges facing the district are economic development, population growth, infrastructural development, quality education, transportation and health care access. District 76 is a product of the rapid population growth in Fort Bend County. We will collaborate with constituents, community leaders and all government strata to address these challenges.
What changes would you like to see made to the state's school finance system, if any?
I would like to see more transparency and accountability with funds being spent in schools; and I would like to see a simplified funding mechanism that adequately provides funding for schools while accommodating parents who want to exercise their right to decide where their children attend school.
How would you ensure your constituents have access to the health care services they need?
Ensuring constituents have access to health care service will be part of our top priorities. It will be a collaborative effort among the constituents, health care providers and community organizations. We will support legislations that ensure that constituents have access to quality and affordable health care services.
How would you build productive relationships across districts and party lines?
Once the election is over, governance responsibilities begin. As a state representative, I am charged with the responsibility of representing all constituents regardless of party lines. I will reach across the aisles and work with every constituent in the district whether they voted for me or not.

Summara Kanwal
First time running for office
Candidate Website:
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Why are you running for this position?
The all out assault by progressive liberal elite mob needs to stopped. The grooming of elementary school kids through gender modification and gender fluidity has no place in our schools. This needs to end now.
What are the biggest challenges facing the district, and how would you address them if elected?
The challenges faced are discussed above. I will work hard to get a comprehensive Parents Bill of Rights to make sure parents are in charge of their kids' lives and school boards or admin or teachers are not grooming the kids.
What changes would you like to see made to the state's school finance system, if any?
We need to approve school vouchers to allow parents to choose the school to send their kids to. This solution can be avoided if we start holding school boards and principals accountable for failing schools. We need to take the approach of firing such individuals. They have to be held...
How would you ensure your constituents have access to the health care services they need?
Having a health insurance card in a pocket is not the answer. We need to take the greed out of big hospitals. Regional hospitals with focus on real health care and not controlled by big pharma is the solution.
How would you build productive relationships across districts and party lines?
Elected representatives need to serve the people. The influence of big money donors needs to be brought to an end. We need a new speaker. Common sense bills without serving the special interest and corporations need to be introduced.

Lea C.S. Simmons
I was a Republican precinct chair since 2019.
Candidate for Texas House District 76
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you running for this position?
I am running for Texas state representative in District 76 because as a lifelong resident in Fort Bend County, I feel that my community and the surrounding communities need a representative that faces the same situations and concerns as them.
What are the biggest challenges facing the district, and how would you address them if elected?
I truly believe that the redistricting of the four precincts in Fort Bend County and in District 76 has affected lifestyles and schools, to also creating higher taxes. I want to represent District 76 by reaching out to the Commissioner's Court and to the county judge.
What changes would you like to see made to the state's school finance system, if any?
The state's school finance system needs to increase education and protect the children. I want to reach out to the state school board and allocate the money to disperse equal funds to all schools to hire more teachers and security.
How would you ensure your constituents have access to the health care services they need?
Every constituent deserves health care when visiting their doctor or their local hospital. Debit health insurance cards are a payment system that I will introduce, so that it would cover medical debts by covering payment installments through self-funding monthly medical payments without interest rates.
How would you build productive relationships across districts and party lines?
I have built political friendships at the Texas state Capitol in Austin and in Harris County. I want to continue volunteering in the communities, churches and schools of Fort Bend County and in other districts, during the process of running for elected office.