Newly elected trustees Kristin Tassin and Adam Schoof took their places on the Fort Bend ISD board of trustees May 13 after winning their seats in the May 4 election.

In a nutshell

The board members replaced tenured trustees Kristen Davison Malone and Judy Dae; Tassin won her bid against Malone for Position 6, while Dae didn’t seek re-election for Position 2.

Fellow board members and elected officials thanked both Malone and Dae for their contribution to the board since they were both elected in May 2021.

In their own words

Malone thanked her family and the community for supporting her, saying it has been an honor to serve the district. She recognized the changes to the district during her time, including transitioning from the COVID-19 pandemic, voters passing the May 2023 bond and November 2023 voter-approval tax rate election, and culling down a budget shortfall.

“I look forward to you all serving on this board and to the continued success of Fort Bend ISD, this beautiful beacon of hope in a school district,” she said. “My hope is for this school district to remain stronger and better and for all of you to continue to focus on doing what is best for children.”

Dae thanked fellow trustees for their guidance in serving as board president as well as district administrators for their leadership and hard work. She also thanked her husband, Michael, and daughters for their support.

“Three years ago, I asked [Michael], please do not watch the board meeting,” she said. “So that way I can be your wife, and we can talk about something else. So, thank you for that. ... I really appreciate that. It’s not an easy thing to do, but you did it.”

What else

Following executive session, Tassin was unanimously appointed as board president. Tassin previously served on the FBISD board from 2014 to 2020, according to an FBISD news release.

Other board officer appointments included:
  • Rick Garcia, vice president
  • David Hamilton, board secretary
While Tassin and Garcia were unanimously appointed, trustees Angie Hanan and Shirley Rose-Gilliam voted against Hamilton’s appointment.