Fort Bend ISD is seeking community feedback on three proposed calendar options for the 2021-22 school year.

While all three calendars include a full week off for Thanksgiving, two full weeks for winter break, the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and a weeklong spring break, they have varying start and end dates.

Option A proposes the earliest first day of school, with classes beginning Aug. 5 and ending May 24. Options B and C have classes beginning Aug. 11. Option B has the last day of classes June 2, while Option C ends May 26. The additional time at the end of the year in Option B would offset intersession days—or days designated for intervention and student support—in October and March.

“Because FBISD is a District of Innovation, we have the flexibility to begin school before the state mandated start date of the fourth Monday in August, allowing more balance between the fall and spring semesters,” the district said in an information video about the calendar process and options.

Members of the community can view the proposed calendars here. The survey is available until 11:59 p.m. Feb. 1, and results will go before the district’s calendar committee before a recommendation is presented to the board of trustees in February, according to a release from the district.