Architectural and design firm Place Designers Inc. has voluntarily withdrawn its rezoning application for the proposed Palace Event Center in Missouri City, according to the city’s website.

The background

According to agenda documents, Place Designers Inc. submitted an application in January to Missouri City to rezone approximately 17 acres from a suburban and rural single-family district to a planned development district featuring:
  • A 96,000-square-foot, six-story hotel, consisting of approximately 80 rooms
  • A 22,750-square-foot event center with breakout space
  • Six residential cottage units to be used as an accessory to the event facility
  • An outdoor event space
  • Parking and landscaping elements
The development was slated to be located southwest of the Watts Plantation and Knight roads intersection.

Zooming in

At several city meetings in March and April, area residents took to public comments to share their opposition to the proposed development.

During a public hearing at a March 13 planning and zoning commission meeting, 14 residents attended in opposition of the development, citing it was too close to residential homes and the need for preserved green space in the city, with many others sending their nonsupport via notice forms and emails. Residents also attended City Council meetings on April 15 and April 23 to ensure their opinions were heard.

During the April 15 meeting, Mayor Robin Elackatt thanked the residents for their attendance and said the city does hear their concerns.

“The fact that you are here says a lot about your commitment to your neighborhood,” Elackatt said. “We hear you, we understand—there has been several emails, several conversations that have been taking place back and forth, and I just wanted to let you know, just hang in there.”

What else?

Residents also created a petition on April 16 opposing the rezoning, which garnered 1,060 signatures as of press time. Supporting community members denounced the planned development and called for the land to be protected, as it’s classified as wetlands by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, according to the petition.

Looking ahead

A second public hearing and first reading of the ordinance was intended to be heard at the May 6 City Council meeting, although with the withdrawal of application, no action will be taken.

It is unclear whether the development will move forward elsewhere in the city.

Community Impact reached out to Missouri City and Place Designers Inc. to learn why the developer withdrew its application as well as learn more about the future of the development.