Updated May 18, 6:00 p.m.

Effective immediately and in accordance to Gov. Greg Abbott's executive order, the city of Sugar Land will no longer mandate masks be worn in city facilities, according to a statement from Communication Director Doug Adolph.

The city will continue other health protocols, including temperature screenings, social distancing, occupancy limits and routine cleanings, Adolph said.

Posted May 18, 5:17 p.m.

Missouri City Mayor Robin Elackatt said the city will comply with Gov. Greg Abbott's May 18 executive order that prohibits government entities—including counties, cities, school districts, public health authorities and government officials—from requiring or mandating mask wearing.

Executive Order GA-36 states that beginning May 21, local government entities that continue imposing a mask mandate could face a fine of up to $1,000.

Elackatt said in a press release the city is working to transition all programs and services so they align with the governor's order, while prioritizing the safety of the community.

“This decree will have an impact on operations in all municipal facilities, including City Hall, the police department, the fire department, inspections and permits, parks and recreation, the Community Center, animal services, municipal court, and the Quail Valley Golf Course and City Centre," Elackatt said.

Missouri City will still require temperature checks for all staff and visitors at city facilities, according to the release. The use of hand sanitizer and adherence to social distancing guidelines will be encouraged.

In an email to Community Impact Newspaper, the city of Sugar Land said it is evaluating the order and will continue to comply with state law. Sugar Land will share additional details as they become available, the email said.