Fort Bend County Health & Human Services reported 291 new coronavirus cases Aug. 28-Sept 3. The number of cases each day ranged from 88 to 24.

During the weeklong period of Aug. 21-27, the county saw 1,102 new coronavirus cases, a 73.6% decrease week over week.

Below is a breakdown with the number of new cases each day.

  • Aug. 28: 55

  • Aug. 29: 88

  • Aug. 30: 0

  • Aug. 31: 24

  • Sept. 1: 26

  • Sept. 2: 53

  • Sept. 3: 45

From Aug. 5-19, Fort Bend County reported a backlog of cases after gaining access to the state’s tracking system. During this backlog, the average number of new cases reported over a seven-day period spiked to 448.57 on Aug. 27.

As of Sept. 3, the average number of new cases over a seven-day period has dropped to 48.5.

In the week from Aug. 28-Sept. 3, 10 Fort Bend County residents were confirmed to have died from the coronavirus. This brings the total number of deaths in the county to 158.

To date, the county has reported a total of 15,081 coronavirus cases. Of this total number of cases, the county estimates 11,841 people who previously tested positive for the virus have recovered.

Data from the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council shows that from Aug. 28-Sept. 3, the number of people in Fort Bend County hospitals receiving treatment for the coronavirus ranged from 34 to 54.

Furthermore, between 16 and 21 coronavirus patients were in the hospitals’ intensive care units.

Hospitalization and ICU rates have returned to mid-June levels prior to a spike in cases and hospitalizations seen in late June and July.

Coronavirus in Sugar Land and Missouri City

The following chart shows the number of coronavirus cases in Sugar Land and Missouri City by city jurisdiction and ZIP code. City limits and ZIP code boundaries do not coincide.

Data in this story is accurate as of 4 p.m. Sept. 3. Fort Bend County updates its coronavirus dashboard at 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Daily hospitalization data is recorded by the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council and is available here.