Fort Bend County is reporting 42 new cases of the coronavirus May 6, bringing the total number of confirmed cases countywide to 1,287.
The overall case count number for the county includes 1,048 active cases, 207 recoveries and 32 total deaths.
Two deaths were confirmed May 6. These Fort Bend County residents were a man in his 70s and a woman in her 90s, both with underlying health conditions, County Judge KP George wrote on his Facebook page. Of the 32 total coronavirus-related deaths reported in Fort Bend County, 25 residents who died were 70 years of age or older.
The 21 new recoveries reported May 6 brings the total number of known recoveries to 207. Total recoveries represent 16% of confirmed cases countywide.
Thirty of the 42 new cases reported May 6 are located within unincorporated Fort Bend County.
The five ZIP codes that make up the bulk of the Sugar Land and Missouri City communities—77498, 77479, 77478, 77489 and 77459—saw 14 of the new cases of the virus.
Below are charts that show the total number of coronavirus cases by jurisdiction and ZIP code.