Ken Bryant Ken Bryant[/caption]

Ken Bryant, Republican

Hometown: Missouri City 281-344-2299

What would your top priority be, if elected?

Declined to comment

What about your experience qualifies you to hold office?

Declined to comment

What are your thoughts on the state’s education funding formula which, although ruled constitutional, is expected to be discussed in the next legislative session?

Declined to comment

Ron Reynolds Ron Reynolds[/caption]

Ron Reynolds (Democrat, incumbent)

Hometown: Missouri City 512-463-0494 (Austin office) 281-208-3574 (district office)

What would your top priority be, if elected?

My top priorities are fighting for full funding for our public schools, affordable healthcare, criminal justice reforms, economic empowerment and public safety. I will continue to support legislation that will restore the funding necessary to support the state’s Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP. I will support initiatives that de-emphasize standardized testing so that teachers can dedicate more time to helping all students instead of only teaching them how to pass the test. I also support fair wages for teachers. I will work to implement criminal justice reform measures which protect and serve everyone.

What about your experience qualifies you to hold office?

First of all, I have already served three terms in office. My first term I was voted as Freshman Legislator of the Year, my second session I was voted Public Servant of the Year and my third session I was voted House minority whip. I am a former associate municipal judge for the city of Houston and former adjunct professor at Texas Southern University. I am the past president of the Houston Lawyers Association and the Missouri City NAACP branch. I have been an active member of the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce and the FBISD Bond Advisory Committee.

What are your thoughts on the state’s education funding formula which, although ruled constitutional, is expected to be discussed in the next legislative session?

I was very disappointed that the court ruled in favor of the [formula]. I voted against the budget during the 82nd legislative session because our legislature cut 5.4 billion dollars from our public schools. One of my top priorities as the Minority Whip will be to make sure that we address school funding. Our students represent our future and we must adequately fund our public schools so that [students] can compete in a global economy for jobs.